Hollinwood Academy

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Samuel Laycock Latest - 12.1.24


Here’s a little bit of what we’ve been up to during our first full week back of 2024…


Pupils from the Sports pathway have been given the opportunity to take part in a new 6 week boxing provision led by Sporting Chance Group with Head coach Eamon Muldoom.

Pupils will soon be attending the sporting chance group boxing gym based in Denton where they will develop and improve their boxing skills and knowledge.

The young people have learned the boxing stance, as well as a variety of combination punching skills. They are working in pairs to also develop their social and communication skills. All pupils taking part are doing amazingly well and they are really looking forward to their next session with the coaches. We are also extremely lucky to have a special guest “Kean Bryan”, Ex Manchester City, Sheffield United and West Bromwich Albion professional footballer. We have some really talented pupils who are really taking a liking to boxing.

National Football Museum

This year we are developing our careers offer by introducing work experience opportunities for those pupils that hope to seek employment in the next few years. We are aiming to link each KS4 pathway with a local business to facilitate this opportunity.

Our first link has been made through the Sports & Outdoor Pathway where two Year 11 pupils from the pathway spent 4 weeks in December volunteering at the National Football Museum.

Some of the jobs they completed included demonstrating artifacts, running the interactive game sessions, and helping in the gift shop. Charlie was our host, and we are very grateful to herself and the National Football Museum for the opportunity. We hope to continue this relationship over the next few years.